Monday, September 15, 2008

Hankyung's Diary


好久没有更新日记了很想念大家。 先把晚到的祝福送大家大,中秋快乐!最近一直马不停蹄的到处跑排练、录音、演出。。。乐此不疲。呵呵~~~每次能想到站在舞台的那一刻你们在我身边我就有无穷的动力。最近去韩国排练的时间比较多,就是想给中国的朋友们最精彩的舞台。我们每个人都很努力,就是为了感谢所有喜爱我们的朋友,让你们在中国也能充分享受到SM家族全面的光芒。前天的演出虽然不时的下起大雨,但是正因为这场雨更能显示出不一样的舞台和我们不一样的状态,也更能反应你们无法浇灭的热情。我听到了你们的呐喊你们的狂欢,看见了那蓝色的灯牌,有很多都是我的名字。超级开心和幸福呵呵~~~谢谢你们给与我前天那样的感动!

我们的演出很成功,这也让我更有信心和动力勇往直前。稍作休息昨天一早就动身前往山东参加央视的中秋晚会。在山东我仍然能看到你们,虽然我只参加了开场那短短的几分钟。但是在我心里却是永远的回忆。在中秋、在荣城、在海上、在月光下、在你们的身边~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~中秋节快乐 。。。。。。


Happy Mid-Autumn~~~~!

Haven't been updating the diary, I miss everyone. I'll first wish everyone even if it's delayed, Happy Mid-Autumn! I have been busy running around and rehearsing recently, recording, and performing... having fun. Haha~~~ Everytime I stand on stage to perform I will think of all of you by my side which, gives me endless power. I've spent a long time in Korea practicing recently, to give everyone in China an exciting performance. Everyone of us are working hard, to thank our fans, and to let the China fans experience the full SM Family's performance. There was sudden downpour at the day before's performance, but its the rain which made it different, and also we were able feel everyone's enthusiasm. I heard everyone's cheer, i saw the blue coloured signboard, which most of them were our names. Felt really very happy and blessed haha~~~ Thank you for all you have done for me that day!

Our performance was a success, which gave me the confidence and strength to move forward. I rested and went to Shandong early in the morning to attend CCTV's Mid-Autumn Festival celebration. I managed to see everyone at Shandong, even though i had only attended the opening act for a few minutes. I still felt i would remember this forever. During mid-autumn, in Rongcheng, Shanghai, under the moonlight, right beside everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Mid-Autumn......

I love you all~~~~~~!~

Comments. Hanniie left another message for us!! yays.. i knew he would!! keke. he's such a lovable person!! Hanniie seems busy these few daes.. i think because of the SMTOWN concert right?? Let's support SMTOWN!! SMTOWN FIGHTING!! ^^ Hanniie fighting.. WE LOVE YOU TOO!!

韩庚哥哥,我们也爱你!! 加油加油哦~!!

My exams are still on!! Wish me luck!! ^^ Happiie Mid-autumn!! ^^