Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2009-05-12 update


去年今日,四川汶川发生里氏8.0级强烈地震。那一刻震动了所有人的心,这场新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最广、救灾难度最大的地震,让八万多鲜活的生命骤然消逝,千万个温暖的家庭永失至爱。365个日日夜夜过去了,汶川依然撕扯着13亿同胞的心灵。汶川地震绝不仅仅只意味着5月12日这一天,也不仅仅意味着过去的这一年。地震一年后的灾区,一切都在废墟上艰难的重建,重建的不仅是制度与建筑,还有人心与家庭。 我很希望和大家能做些事情,去帮助那些为此在心灵上创伤的儿童,让他们走出阴影,有个健康的未来 ,他们的未来需要我们大家的帮助


WenChuan Hwaiting!

This day last year, Sichuan and Wenchuan was affected by the earthquake of 8.0 on the Ritcher scale. It stirred the hearts of the people, as China was established to withstand even the strongest disaster, it still affected them on a large scale, which made saving the people there more difficult, causing more than 80,000 people to lose their lives, and destroying more than 100,000 families and losing their love ones forever. 365 days and nights passed, it's tearing the minds of 1,300,000,000 compatriot apart(*), The May 12 earthquake does not only signify this day itself, or this year. Nor does it signify the reconsrtuction of the ruins, or the building and systems, but also signifies thr will of the people's hearts and their families. I hope everyone would do something, to help the children who have been affected, and guide them past this difficulty, to be strong in future, their future relies on our help.

Life goes on, and there is not limit to love! Let the living be strong, and the deceased to rest.

*sorry.. my sentence could be wrong!!

aww, this makes me love hanniie oppa more!! he never fails to help anyone which he can.. and goes all out to make the world better!! He's truly a real idol worth supporting and a true model that we should follow!! Hanniie oppa SARANG HAEYO!! ^^