Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hankyung's Diary; 2008-01-14; You are all forever making me proud~~~~

You are all forever making me proud~~~~
Everyone should be feeling good lately right? It's already year 2008, hope everyone would forget all the unhappy memories, and spent every single day happily~~Actually I was supposed to check back my CY to leave messages for everyone, and manage my CY, hoping to make it a place for everyone to communicate, making this place full of warmth. But recently I was very busy, and also I did not have the time to come, I'm so sorry everyone~~. There would be times where I would come up and read everyone's messages, I've seen everything you all have done for me. I know that everyone does public welfare/charity work, so I thank you all very much with sincerity, everytime I see what everyone had done including the photos, it makes me feel really really blessed, really proud, and it motivates me to work harder, hope to give everyone the best performance on stage as a repayment~~~And also thanks to all those who always go to the airport to welcome me! The weather these days are very cold, and yet everyone still went to the airport thank you so much. My only hope is that everyone would be happy everyday, and healthy. You are all my everything. Thanks so much for all you have done for me, it makes me feel proud with all of you by my side~ You're all the best~!
Love you all forever~~~~~~~~~!

最近大家心情都好吧?都2008年了,希望大家把不开心的事都忘掉,开心的过每一天~~本来我应该经常上我的CY给大家留言,去管理我的CY,希望这里能成为我和大家互相沟通的平台,使这个平台变的很温馨.但我最近一直在忙,也没有时间上来,对大家真的不好意思~~.有的时候我也抽去一点时间在网上看看大家的信息,你们做的一切我都看在眼里.大家一起组织去做公益活动每一次我都知道,谢谢你们真心的谢谢你们,我每次看到大家做的一切还有照片,使我感觉到我有你们大家我真的好幸福,也很自豪,让我更有动力去工作,想把绚丽的舞台回报给大家~~~还有每次去接机的朋友谢谢你们了!最近天气很冷,大家还要去机场谢谢你们了.我唯一希望的是大家能天天开心,健健康康.你们是我的全部.谢谢大家为我做的一切,我有你们大家在身旁我感到骄傲~你们是最棒的~! 永远爱你们~~~~~~~~~!

whoo~ hanniie oppa. what a long entry!! aww. so sweet.. I miss you so much!! see.. I've been so busy that I'm late at translating. aww.. i miss super junior. T-T. Thanks Mimi for reading and replying. PLEASE PEOPLE READING!! DUN SILENT READ OKIES!!! thanks.
me love hanniie too~ ^^ Hannie jiayou!! Gambatte!! FIGHTING!!
i gotta go already. back to studies. cya all around. ^^