Saturday, March 1, 2008


Super Junior举行首亚洲巡唱会
11 January 2008

今年,将举行他们的首个亚洲巡回演唱会的韩国超人气团体Super Junior,确定2月23和24日在首尔的奥林匹克公园(Olympic Park)打响第一炮。

所属的经纪公司SM Entertainment日前宣布,Super Junior会在亚洲各地进行10场名为“Super Shows”的演唱会,为喜爱他们的歌迷们带来首首动人的舞曲,同时也会展示他们各自的才艺表演。


SM Entertainment表示,现在,歌迷们可以上网购买首尔演唱会的门票,至于其他亚洲地点的巡回演唱会的详情,将在稍后公布。

Super Junior to hold an Asia Tour
11 January 2008

This year, Korean's popular boyband Super Junior would be holding their Asia Tour, scheduled to take place on the 23 and 24 February in Seoul's Olympic Park for their time.

The well-known company SM Entertainment had announced before, Super Junior would holding 10 "Super Show" concerts in Asia, performing their different songs and dances for all their fans, and at the same time demostrate their different talents and skills.

The company also mentioned that, the concert would take place in other cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Taipei and Kuala Lumpur.

SM Entertaiment said, now, fans can purchase the tickets of the concert online, and as for the other Asian countries, details will be annouced soon.

Super Junior首尔演唱会服装华丽
26 February 2008

南韩人气团体Super Junior出道3年来首次在首尔举行大型售票演唱会,一连三天(22-24日),他们共换了7套华丽的服装,还穿上代言服饰的品牌,是服装的搭配非常有特色。

在3个小时的演唱会中,Super Junior的13为队员使出浑身解数,各有特色,并共唱出32受歌曲。娃娃脸的起范留了点胡渣突显狂野男人味,活泼的东海也小露性感,希澈则染红了发。利特、起范更全程扎着一束小辫子,希澈、始源也配合演出内容不时把头发绑起来,他们的大胆作风,跳脱了男偶像发型的造型。

他们在首尔的3场演出,2万张门票在开卖10分钟就售完。东海深情献歌给在天国的父亲,演唱98 degrees的“My Everything”,队员也与观众同唱经典曲“Marry U”。

在首尔的最后一场演唱会中,师兄东方神起在开唱前给他们电话打气, 师妹少女时代的其中3位成员来捧场。

Super Junior也向歌迷表示,之后将迈向亚洲巡回开唱。13人中,只有希澈不曾去过台湾,他表示,唱听利特台湾有很多好玩、好吃的东西,还有他们希望的徐若瑄。

Super Junior's Beautiful costumes in Seoul Concert
26 February 2008

Korea's popular boyband Super Junior's 3rd year since debut held a concert in Seoul, which was on for 3 days (22-24 Feb), had in total changed into 7 different beautiful clothes, even wearing sponsered branded ones, which matches well and it gives them the character.

During the 3-hour concert, Super Junior a 13-man group showed their skills, each with their own abilities, had all together sung 32 songs. Doll-faced Kibum kept a moustache which gave him a manly wild look, hyper-active Donghae had also show off a little of his sexiness, Heechul had dyed his hair red. Eeteuk, Kibum tied pigtail for the whole show, Heechul, Siwon had their hair tied up, with their bold attitudes, it gives them the look cool manly idol look.

For their 3rd concert in seoul, 20000 tickets were sold out in 10 minutes. Donghae dedicated songs to his Father who is in Heaven now, and the songs were 98 Degrees and "My Everything", and the members even sang "Marry U" together with the audience.

During the last concent in Seoul, Dong Bang Shin Ki gave them their supports through the phone, and 3 members of So Nyuh Shi Dae went to support them.

Super Junior all expressed to the fans, that they are looking forward to the Asia Tour. Withtin the 13 guys, only Heechul hasn't been to Taiwan, he said, he heard from Eeteuk that Taiwan was very fun, and the food were delicious, and there was also Xu Ruo Xuan (Vivian Hsu).


sorry if dere are any mistakes. my chinese isn't that good, and i hope i can improve even more ^^ thanks for understanding. ^^