Thursday, May 1, 2008

韩庚的日记 ~ Hangeng's Diary ;; 2008-05-01


今天真的是很让人高兴的一天,距离奥运还有100天,在这距离100天的同时,我在太庙前和中国众多知名歌手同台演出.这也是我回到中国第一次参加如此庞大的活动.在活动中除了胡彦滨 金沙 又认识了好多朋友.今天大家都聊的也开心.

还有谢谢大家,对我这次活动的支持和关注.大家辛苦了.如果有机会的话我真希望和其他成员一起登上这样的舞台,在世界的舞台上展现我们SJ .希望我的愿望可以实现呵呵~~~~~~~~!



Countdown to 100 days~

Today is a day which makes one really elated, there's still a difference of 100 days to the Olympics, and with this difference in time, while at Taimiao (it should be a place i guess.. someone correct my mistake pls lols.) I was able to stand on the same stage with many famous singers in China. This is also my first time, since coming back to China, performing in such a huge event. Not only made friends with Hu Yan Bing, Jinsha and many more others. Chatted with everyone happily today.

And also thank you everyone, for giving the event support and attention. Everyone had worked hard. If there is the chance I hope that the rest of the members would be able perform on this stage together, performing on the world stage showing everyone of us SJ. Hope that my wish would come true hehe~~~~~~~~!

It's late already so have a good sleep.

I love you all~~~~~~~~~

I knew he will leave a message for all of us, and i was waiting for it.. but then i couldn't stay up anymore so i went to sleep. and now, i he relleh did update!! aww hanniie seems to be having fun!! keke which is good!! i miss him so much!! haha. If i'm not wrong, and didn't see wrongly, the 2nd guy in the pic beside hanniie is Ah Du, a Singaporean singer. Hah, i so envy him!! keke~ when would SJ ever come to singapore?? I wanna meet them in person!!

well okies. I love you hanniie oppa~ stay healthy and happiie alwaes, we miss you. FIGHTING!!

韩庚哥哥~ 加油哦!!你有我们的支持!我爱你!!加油加油!!要好好照顾身体,天天都开心哦!!